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Special Power Metal (24 March - 15 April)

From March 24 until April 15, hybrid hordes top power metal bands in the genre due to the "special power metal", can make orders of gender in the shoutbox or email by contacting the blog. when this particular will continue even without another special genre definition.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

Impaled Nazarene (fin) - Latex Cult (1996)

Country: Finland
Genre: Black Metal

1.66.6 S of Foreplay01:06
2.1999: Karmakeddon Warriors02:38
3.Violence I Crave01:37
4.Bashing in Heads01:10
6.Zum Kotzen03:13
7.Alien Militant02:46
8.Goat War00:52
9.Punishment Is Absolute02:47
10.When All Golden Turned to Shit01:26
12.The Burning of Provinciestraat03:12
13.I Eat Pussy for Breakfast01:24
14.Delirium Tremens03:31

Download Impaled Nazarene - Latex Cult (Mediafire)
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